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Peripheral Vision 2018

Inkjet print on gloss paper, folded A2 size, 42 x 59,4cm

Edition of 230

In his solo exhibition Peripheral Vision at Tique Art Space, Ralph Collier demonstrates what is visible is not necessarily what is real. Peripheral Vision aimed to make the visitor part with perhaps the most fundamental script: that reality is what we see and therefore understand and therefore hold true. Rather than an absolute real world, Peripheral Vision acknowledges the constructions embedded in our codes of conduct, the fictions inherent in our perceptions. It erases the boundaries between the real and the imaginary.

When you dare to consider this being betwixt and between, when you deviate from the centre to the periphery, where you do not recognize a thing or being, you will find yourself asking, what and who am I really seeing?

The publication has been released to coincide with the exhibition Peripheral Vision.

With texts by Richard Clay, Ralph Collier, Vincent Egon Verschueren and Eline Verstegen

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